February 2021

Apparition_ 8 of Wands.png

A desire inside of you is reaching out, longing to be fulfilled. Even if it’s hard to sense, difficult to draw lines around or view in comprehensive form, this desire will be the force that drives you this month. Let it. Allow this nagging passion to carry you where you are meant to go. The road ahead of you is bright, even if you feel yourself stumbling to find the way. There will be signposts set out for you: these are the only map you’ll need. If you hear a prompting, follow it; if you have a brilliant impulse, act on it. These sparks of passion will help to guide you along your way.

Cultivate your focus: make a list that will empower you to realize your ideas; this will help you ground in the present and resist the habit of wandering back into the past or projecting into the future. Shore up the boundaries you need that will help you to break these habitual cycles. The only place for you to be is in the here and now. Trust the knowledge inside of you that you know where you’re going. Cultivate the faith that you don’t need to see the destination clearly to get there. We move by taking one step and then we take another. It is only in lighting one candle at a time that we can illuminate a whole room, warm an entire chapel.

Willingness is all you need. Be willing to be in the here and now. Be willing to act on the tasks at hand. You know what you need to do: let your actions echo the yes of your intuition. Say yes. Without hesitation, say yes

“Apparition: A Spirit Speak Tarot Deck” by Mary Elizabeth Evans


EM (she/her) is a highly attuned empath, intuitive claircognizant, and tarot interpreter. Trained in cultural criticism, she holds an M.A. in Visual and Cultural Studies from the University of Rochester. Her academic work involved feminism in film, sexual textuality, queer temporality, and medieval mysticism. Presently based on Tongva land (Long Beach, CA), her emergent project, Cloister Mysticism, arose in response to the psychic violence of capitalism and from the desire to enlarge & reclaim access to healing and self-empowerment. 


A prayer to Faith


A prayer for the flesh