March 2021
Forge your own path. Make your own way.
The month of March calls us to reclaim our autonomy and to invest in our own authority. We are sovereigns over our lives, we the keepers of our kingdom. Our sovereignty is innate and we’ve been giving it away for too long. You and I, we’ve been shirking our responsibility. The most important thing for us to do in this life is to live unconventionally, that is, to stop living against our own grain and in accordance with the status quo. A life thus lived serves only oppressive forces whose purpose is to keep us alienated, small, and controlled. These pressures come from all directions and wear different guises: it’s time to get critical with our questioning. It’s time to resist. It’s time to think of ourselves and our relationship to others. It’s time to stop letting others down by not living up to our fullest selves. Change will never be made in the repetition of the old. Let go of your attachment to the habit of enacting and reenacting tired violence in all its unquestioned forms. Stop giving away your power. Stop silencing your knowing. Tune back in. Take up the mantle of your mettle.
It takes courage to stand up for yourself, to invest in yourself, to stand up for and invest in others. It takes courage to say no and resist external pressures, no to the forces that elicit such overwhelm. It takes courage to invite in radical undoing. But hear me when I tell you: You’ve a lion within you. It’s time to roar. I know you’re scared. I know you’re tired. I know you’re overwhelmed. But I also know that you have it within you. Allow yourself to believe this too: You have courage. You are capable. You have the know-how and it’s time to say to yourself, I believe in you. The responsibility is great—this task is not small—but you’re ready, you can do it. It’s time to stand up and wear your crown.
The Page of Cups accompanies the King of Wands to invite us to step with grace in the same stride that we step with force. Our power is fostered and fed by our ability to take a look at ourselves and communicate with our emotions and the pangs of our soul. While feelings are not facts, they call us into vital attentiveness. Our emotional responses carry wisdom as they ask us to sit with ourselves and invite us into internal investigation. What are all these swimming feelings trying to tell you? How are they asking for your attention? What aren’t you happy with? Why? What lies underneath this feeling? What old stories are leaping to your surface and asking to be healed? How can you offer yourself care? How can you move differently—do differently?
The power of grace is an accumulative process of finesse—of moving little by little, of enlarging your intimacy with self. Amelioration doesn’t happen overnight, but rather through slight adjustments made over time. Neither is it a linearly progressive path. The power of grace is allowing yourself to learn—to be in the process of learning—to be fully in the imperfection of your humanity and to invest in your ability to grow and change. Square off your unkowning with a wild willingness. You are coming to better know yourself and you are learning to pay better attention. You are learning to intuitively leap. As you learn to care for yourself, act from this place of care. Extend this care to all those around you.
Stop forgetting others. Stop forgetting yourself. The power and capacity for change lives within you. It’s time to enact this change for yourself, for others, for this world around us. It’s time to stop living a life that’s governed by burnout and fatigue. It’s time to live from intuitive knowledge and an investment in care.
“Neo Tarot” by Jerico Mandybur & Daiana Ruiz